
Four seasonal camping, from May to October. 2024 PAID FOR SEASON! Located at LOT 159, Harmony Campground, 5279 County Rd 17, Alfred, ON SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS: Both extensions were covered with rigid roof; plywood was installed to the floor, roll-sized floor with vinyl; a standard two-piece porcelain toilet was installed and connected to sewerage (no pedal toilet); roof was covered by Ziollo sealer LIFETIME WARRANTY DESCRIPTIONS : BEDROOM: 10’3 X 10’5 (plus wardrobe 8’ x 2’), 32-inch Samsung TV PENDING BATHROOM: 7’8 x 5’5, includes standard porcelain toilet (non-pedal), storage closet above toilet, corner shower, vanity, walk-in closet with LG front washer, 2.4 cu. Ft. 24 inches, graphite steel (paid $1,000 in 2023) LIVING ROOM: 2 fabric reclining and swivel armchairs, corner cabinet with built-in gas fireplace, LG 45-inch TV DINETTE: 1 oak table 39 x 26 + 12-inch extension), four chairs with a storage compartment under each seat, oak side cabinet, two doors, 39-inch x 14 KITCHEN: 4 round propane gas stove, black stove and refrigerator 65 high by 30 wide, double sinks; oak cabinet SUNROOM: 15’ x 7’6, waterproof floating flooring (not affected by seasonal changes or excessive humidity in the room) (furniture not included) GALLERY (DECK): 20’ x 8’, and treated wood handicapped ramp 39’ x 4’ (can be lifted very well to enlarge the deck) DISCOUNT: 10’ X 10’, lawnmower, weed eater, and some garden tools PATIO SET: 1 table 30 x 38, 4 chairs, umbrella. ALSO INCLUDED dishes, kettles, pans, glasses, cutlery, electric kettle, toaster oven, etc. PRICE: $39,000

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